Throughout recorded history, individual citizens have been called upon to perform duties for and to honor their home countries. Is there any limit to those duties? As an example, when a U.S. military member is awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor (most are awarded posthumously), the clause “above and beyond the call of duty” is included. That infers that the individual had willingly and knowingly given up life in order to protect the USA. Other countries have similar military awards. I have often wondered how would a dual-national person decide which country to honor, if those countries were at war with each other?
Here is a timely thought for those who have served, are serving, or will serve in the U.S. military. Our oath is to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. There is no time limit on that oath; I took that oath 62 years ago…
We give up some of our constitutional rights while serving on active duty. For example, a member on active duty cannot publically criticize those senior to the member in the chain of command, regardless of whether those senior are military or civilian.
The run-up to the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election is going to be more politically-and-personality-charged than any other in modern history. Those on active duty should be especially careful. For example, I believe that active duty U.S. military members should choose to avoid membership and participation in political parties. Though long retired, I have never and will never give allegiance to a political party.
By law the U.S. Department of Defense is an apolitical organization; political activity aboard DoD installations is illegal; it is also illegal for an active duty service member to wear the uniform when participating in a political activity. Historically, it is interesting to note that the U.S Founding Fathers did not seem to anticipate the development of political parties…but they did foist upon us the Electoral College. The truth is, in 2016 the American people elected Hillary Clinton President: she received over two million votes more than did Donald Trump. The Electoral College voted for Trump…
With my Texan and military backgrounds (not to mention age again) I tend to be conservative. But I have voted for 9 Republicans and 6 Democrats in 15 Presidential elections. I believe it is my duty to vote for the Presidential candidate who I think will do the best job as President. As always, as this campaign develops, I will try to determine the truth and ignore the propaganda. I use news outlets, not social networks, as information sources. A few of my favorites: Associated Press (AP), ABC, CBS, NBC, BBC, EU News, Japan Times, Nikkei Weekly, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, New York Times, The Economist, Time Magazine, Financial Times.
In contemporary times only Democrats or Republicans have been elected President. It has been difficult to defeat an incumbent who is running for reelection. A notable exception was George Bush 41 in the 1992 election. Ross Perot, a fellow Texas Conservative, was upset with Bush regarding his fathering the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Perot formed a third party and personally funded his campaign. He pulled in so many Conservative votes from Bush that Bill Clinton was elected President with less than 50% of the vote.