
Japanese Sentiments Towards North Koreans

by Ewa Nowogorski

Few countries or peoples harbor positive feelings about North-Korea. Being one of the few communist countries still alive, and with a harsh reputation of social propaganda and a totalitarian government, North-Korea shows itself as defying the modern world.

Japan, as a country, faces not only the defiance that North-Korea projects to the greater world, but it also faces the most direct provocations from South-Korea’s unruly brother. What with the numerous kidnappings of Japanese citizens and the war-provoking missile tests, it is no wonder that many Japanese feel the necessity to reestablish their own military. When you have a human-rights abusing super power and its lackey at your doorstep, who wouldn’t want to defend oneself. What more, who wouldn’t feel antagonistic towards those who support your demise?

But it is often difficult for people to differentiate between a political power and the individuals under that power. North-Korea’s biggest weapon is not its arsenal of ballistic missiles, but rather 25 million innocent brain-washed people they hold as hostages. It is not the people that we hate, but rather what they represent to us, and I’m sure Japan is no different from the rest of the world when it relates to that idea.



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