
Which Flower for Which Occassion

by Ewa Nowogorski

Like in America, the type of flowers you can give really depend on the occasion. There are many occasions to gift flowers to people. You can give flowers on people’s birthdays, to congratulate them for a milestone in their lives, for Valentine’s Day, for weddings, for funerals, and even to just thank a person for something.

To go over the basics, roses are a powerful symbol of romance, love and passion, so they are given on Valentine’s day or White Day, which are days in which you celebrate your loved one.

Red Carnations stand for familial love and are offered to mothers as tokens of affection, particularly on Mother’s Day. For father’s Day, white, yellow or pink roses are common in gift bouquets. There is also a parent’s day, in which vibrant and colorful bouquets are given to parents. These bouquets include delphiniums, carnations, dendrobiums & delicate phalaenopsis orchids along with other seasonal Flowers.

If you’re looking to thank someone, gift them a Bluebell, as it stands for gratitude. But for “thank you” bouquets, a wide range of flowers can be given so long as they do not symbolize “passion” or “death”. I have received “thank you” bouquets with pale colored roses, small white wild flowers, and even marigolds.

Large orchid arrangements are usually given to new business owners when they have just opened up a shop.

When it comes to death and mourning, there are some specific flowers that are used. White and yellow chrysanthemums represent mourning and is a common flower in Japan to include in a funeral wreath. White and yellow lilies are sometimes also used. Japan’s ‘grave flower’ is the Red Spider Lily and is typically offered as offerings to the souls and planted on grave sites.

Flowers are a great neutral gift for anyone, and receivers are always grateful to get them. People just need to be careful not to give “funeral” flowers during a non-funeral event.



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